Monday, May 11, 2009

Comparison Essay

As I make the hour drive to Bangor for the millionth time, sipping my usual coffee in its Styrofoam container, I can’t help but think how much it’s like a relationship. It always starts out hot as hell, reaches that perfect temperature when I want to drink it all in one glorious chug and of course sometimes, the last quarter of the cup gets forgotten while it sits in the cup holder and turns cold. I know how the story goes every time and yet it never changes.

We all know the paradox. You get that delicious, aromatic coffee first thing in the morning and just can’t wait to throw it down your throat. You know damn well that it’s going to burn your mouth like a hot coal but it’s worth it. Having a new girlfriend is the same way for me. Eyes meet, emotions take over and for a few months, an inferno ensues. I know that most relationships which start out based on the bedroom almost always fail and I get burned. But who can help it. The sweet satisfaction and need takes over all sense of normal reasoning.

So I’ve lived through the scalding of the first sip. Ten minutes go by and the coffee has turned into something perfect. It’s perfectly warm, loving and can do nothing wrong. I just want to hold the cup to my lips and drink it all. The bottom of the cup is nowhere in sight and the only thing in my mind is how perfect the world is. It’s like her and I. Five months goes by and the flames have settled into a nice bed of coals under some glowing birch logs. We call each other honey butt and cupcake while every day is just right. There are no fights, no slamming doors and we are so accepting of everything. Perfect. I want to be with her day and night and can’t seem to get enough. There is no way this could ever end.

The cupholder. The place where coffee gets forgotten and goes to die. The music is blaring. Cars are going by. I am thinking of everything else in my life but that little cup sitting beside me. I am about to pull into my destination as I look down and remember. I grab it but it’s too late. It’s turned cold and the once succulent drink has turned into a nasty, bitter elixir. I toss it out the window and the cup goes on the floorboard graveyard. The relationship has dragged on now. We both forgotten the wonder lust and outside life has taken over. I forgot the excitement and newness of what we had and things have turned cold. It’s time to end it. What was once sweet and invigorating leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

How depressing. Is there a solution? Somewhere out there, does an eternally warm and bottomless cup exist? Sounds crazy but I think I found one. I’ve been drinking it for two years and it still tastes pretty good. It may not be as piping hot as the first couple of months but it seems as though that perfect temperature is holding true. Of course every now and then I spill a couple of drops, a harsh word is said and a sip tastes a little bitter. If it wasn’t for this, would the sips that are just right and leave a little hint of sugar on my tongue taste as good? The secret is the cup holder. Don’t use it. Hold the cup in your hand, feeling the warmth and always paying attention to it. Don’t let the noise of the outside world let you forget what’s really important inside it. Just remember, don’t ever toss it out the window at the first signs of a bad taste because once it’s gone, you can never get it back.


  1. Hey nice! Can I use this as an example in the future with your permission? Some people have trouble with comparison but you hit it very nicely here.
